

Mi 16 Mär 2022

Whether it is climate change, the covid-19 pandemic or Russia's invasion of Ukraine, humanity today is facing a set of crises whose main point is the contrast between our different values. This conflict of values is currently also the main challenge for companies in attracting, retaining and ...

So 23 Jan 2022

Looking back over the past two years, it seems clear that the coronavirus will persist in one form or another because its trajectory is unpredictable. As the world is still facing one of the most unprecedented disruptions in his history, companies have to ...

Do 06 Mai 2021

While being exposed to millions of information simultaneously, humans have a limited amount of data they can consciously process. Therefore, many of our processing happens in an unconscious way. To be able to select and react to external stimuli, our brain uses ...

Di 16 Mär 2021

Executive selection is of enormous importance and probably more complex than many of you might assume. In addition to the qualification, experience, personality and potential of the desired profile, a fundamental consideration must be made ...

Do 24 Sep 2015

Imagine there are 7 bright talents working in a large corporation. They are all senior vice-presidents and they are all around the same age: 42 years old. They are successful, they are alumni from the best business schools and universities, they have positive attitudes, they ...

Mo 31 Aug 2015

In the 19th century, the economist Vilfredo Pareto found that in all societies, a small minority of top earners, meaning about 20% always accounted for about 80% of the wealth. Today for great companies, it boils down to the fact that 20 percent of their activities and investments usually generate 80 percent of ...

Di 28 Jul 2015

The conventional wisdom showcases leaders as people who are always in control and capable to hide their flaws. Ingrained in most of us are deep and almost sacred beliefs about what leadership ought to be. In other words the conventional leader is heroic, favors get things done ...

Mi 24 Jun 2015

No doubt, cultural intelligence is a critical success factor in business. Drawing on workshops, projects and empirical research from transaction success stories and failures, we have identified six principles which are fundamental to capitalize on national culture differences in ...

Mo 04 Mai 2015

People always stop what they’re doing to answer questions because they were raised to be polite and ignoring a question is considered rude. That is why even if you are in the middle of important conversation and someone interrupts you to ask what time it is, you feel compelled to answer...