High Tech & Telco

High Tech & Telco

Telecommunication companies around the world strive to understand their customers, build superior networks, find a sustainable path to growth and achieve cost leadership while competing or partnering with OTT players. In addition disruptive technologies, price erosion and deregulation are weakening the traditional Telco business model.

Adjacent to gradual technology skills such as FTTX, All-IP, SDN, NFV and LTE, Telco players are looking for talents capable to harness the Digital Transformation and deal with related hot topics such as Mobile Enterprise, Cloud Computing, Connected-Car, eHealth, eGovernment, Industry 4.0 and Smart Metering.

We help Telecommunication providers to find, hire and engage talents ready to perform and create value with unorthodox business strategies and actionable initiatives. We serve clients in Telco value chain in developed countries and emerging markets.